

发布人:高东开   发布时间:2020-08-07   点击:  



South Korea's kimchi culture has a long history. In the street of Haebangchon(Liberation village) the row of discardedkimchi jarenlighten us,that is how about to use this local materials to intervene this district?

On the macro level , as the basic regeneration element of the streets, ,kimchi jaritself is also a "biological medium" microscopically at the same time . The streets will be transformed into organically self-growing rather than by human-controlling . There is a seed in the original jar, a few months later, after the germination , the seed is gradually blossem into a small flower, bees and butterflies come to pick it . Exposed to the wind and rain, finally it will grow into a tree which reaches the sky , attracting birds to come to nest dwelling. A few years later , the street come into a shade of trees , like a paradise where people and diverse living creature intergrow symbiotically . Usingkimchi jaras the basic element to stimulate the numerous possibilities of the street and this street as a intervention node, more and more creatures join to the activity and imply this huge dream together.

In the post-human era, humans or Homo sapiens are no longer regarded special, superior to other animals or machines,we no longer emphasize specility of humankind. Human、animals、plants and technology are all equal. We endue thekimchi jara processing symstem to stimulate animals, plants, science and technology to inter-cycling , as well as the cycle of the animal itself, the plant itself, the science and technology itself, and so on to continue outward radiation cycle. And in the "actor" position , it may be human or non-human. With technology , creatures will have a higher quality of life, and creatures themselves enjoy a “harmonious coexistence”.

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